Back in Blighty - Prelude
Now I’m back in Blighty, apart
from the washing - my first goal is to get these blogs out - the blogs that I
noted in my journal ready to publish at the earliest opportunity - the problem wasn’t
simply the internet - which was actually very good everywhere once you got on
it. I did have issues with the App which had changed since Nepal and wouldn’t
let me upload photos - trying to see on my iPhone and use a browser was nigh on
impossible in the evenings with subdued lighting and tired eyes! But it was
more even than that - with the words were pouring out and filling my head
continually when I was cycling I found that there was no time to sit with my
nose stuck in my phone.
Once we were arrived at a hotel there was a ritual to go thorough - welcoming ceremonies of drums, flower
garlands and the bindi (red dot on the forehead), go to reception area where we
would be refreshed, room numbers, internet codes and the time of dinner would
be given out. Go to your room where the luggage would be delivered or you could
take it with you, wash, change, set up your kit for in the morning, have a look
at your surroundings. It will now be time for local entertainment (6.30) then
dinner (7pm), savour fabulous food, eat, drink, chatter, share stories, energy and
friendship. 8ish one of the guides would be giving the briefing for the next
day - timings*, terrain, kit. By 8.15pm most people had drifted to their rooms
to finish getting organised for the next day, write, read, catch up with social
media, families at home (most had travelled alone) if you were still awake by
8.45pm it was a miracle!
* Most days we were
breakfasting by 6.00am, ready to go as soon as there was enough daylight and if
we were travelling by coach first - we watched
the sunrise through the coach window!
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